Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Hey Messengers!!

@realrogue1717, @reoracer, and I have a HUGE project in mind, but we can't do it without you.

We need anyone who will be attending an Idol Live show this summer to tweet me (@ColtonFacts) which concert you will be at, if you have VIP passes or not, and what date the concert is on.

We're planning a scavenger hunt type thing for Colton and we need at least one person who will be attending each show to help us out!

If you're interested then PLEASE tweet me telling me the information above!

This will ONLY work if we have enough people to help us out!

(Also, if you are NOT a Messenger and will be attending the concert, please go ahead and tweet me because we may end up needing your help as well.)

Thank you guys for reading and please help us make this all possible for Colton! Have a great day!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Messenger Prayer List Announcement

Hey Messengers! It's time for the BIG announcement to be made! Thank you all for waiting a little longer for this post (I was having some trouble with it).

Starting today, I'll be starting a Messenger Prayer List! This will only work with YOUR help!

What it is: You guys will send in any prayer requests (no matter how big or small) that you have to me via email. Then, I'll put all of the requests that were submitted into a list along with any other updates that need attention brought to them.

I'll then send the list out to everyone who is subscribed to receive the email updates! This way, all of our Messenger family will know what and who to pray for. And this is not JUST for Messengers, ANYONE can submit a request or be subscribed to the list! I'll send the emails out periodically depending on how many I receive and how urgent the request is.

To sign up, send an email with the subject line 'I'd Like To Subscribe' to this email address: messengerprayerlist@hotmail.com

In the email, please add your full name or your twitter name so I know who you are and who to say the request was from.

To send prayer requests in, send them with the subject line, 'Request', to the same email: messengerprayerlist@hotmail.com

There is no limit on how many requests you can submit!

*(You can unsubscribe to the list at any time by sending me an email saying that you'd like to unsubscribe)*

Also, if you are submitting a request, please add in if you would like me to keep your name private or not. If you do not tell me that you'd like your request to remain anonymous, your name will be posted along with your request(s).


I hope you all join in. Please share this on twitter, with your friends, on FaceBook; any way you can! I want this to be BIG, so tell everyone about it!

Thank you all so much for reading! Be sure to subscribe to the email mailing list NOW! Email here: messengerprayerlist@hotmail.com :)

"Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." - Mark 11:24 KJV

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." - Mathew 18:20 KJV